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Restart My Calculus Learning

I have decided!

I have decided to restart my Calculus learning. Reference book is ‘Introduction to Calculus and Analysis’ by Richard Courant and Fritz John.


How to represent rational numbers

For better understand numbers, we need to represent the rational numbers at first.
Imagine a number axis L, with a unit length 1, we can rule the positive direction and negative direction.
figure1 And then we need to represent the rational numbers. Arbitrarily set a point ‘P’. Segment arbitrary unit, like +- 1, +-2 into smaller pieces, and one of the pieces is 1/p. As you can see in the Figure 2 below.
figure2 In this way, we can find the every point rational point p/q, the P is on the p/q or between two rational point p/q and (p+1)/q. In the other word, we find any rational point p/q on this number axis L.
We call this two quantities whose ratio is a rational number Commensurable Number. Because it can be expressed as integral multiples of a common unit. And there is Incommensurable Number too. But why?

What is irrational number?

Imagine there is triangle with (1^2 + 1^2 = 2)

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The Adjacency Matrix

Define an Adjacency MatrixHere, I want to define a matrix to show the graph or a network which has four nodes. As you can see in the Figure.This is a 0-1 matrix with sij = 1 when nodes i and j are connectd by an edge.\(S_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix} ...…

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LA Basic, Elimination Matrix From The Other Side

What will happen, when we multiply an elimination matrix from the other side?You can see the process below,Multiplying by E21 on the right side will subtract 4 times column 2 from column 1. (4 times row 2 from 1 on the left side)It is the same wit...…
