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本站自2019年7月已访问web counter

The configuration of multi-ssh keygens

I have two keygens, one for github no password login, while the other for the remote server login. When I have generated key as usual:

$ssh-keygen -t rsa

Ask me if overwrite the default keygen (of course not!).

So I make a new keygen file named rsa2, whatever.

However, after the command-line:

$cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa2.pub | ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >>  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

PS: Don’t forget to make the set the authority of both the ~/.ssh/ and the authorized_keys on the remote Server,

$sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$sudo chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Next time, I still need to enter the password.

When I tried to login with a verbose by enter -v, I found the ssh still read the older keygen, id_rsa.pub.

Finally, I found we need to add this new keygen to make it work. Touch a ‘config’ file in the ~/.ssh, and enter:

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa2

That will help to solve this problem.

You can also enter the following in the command-line,

$ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa2

It has the same effect.

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cross entropy introduction

In the problem of logistic regression, MSE (Mean Squared Error) is not good enough to describe the loss of the training model. Cross entropy is an important concept in logistic regression, which comes from the information theory.The amount of info...…

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lemonade configuration in remote

About the lemonadeYou can find lemonade here.github_lemonadeBecause, neovim depends on xclip to copy and pasta from the remote Server (e.g. The computers in remote which has a greater computation power), for which, the $DISPLAY is needed. So we ca...…
