


病毒学、免疫学及结构生物学背景,可以在 RG 上找到我已发表的论文

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Wave Propagation and Phase Shifts

The image magnification,


as seen in the figure, when the scattered electrons poass through the lens which will get together at the imaginary back focal plane, which is just like the fourier transform process, and when pass into the detector, just like the inverse fourier transform which will give a magnified image.

But, not all of the components in the image appear equally stong, some of the fourier components are represented fully in the final image, other may only half of they should be, some are entirely missing.


This figure gives why some information will miss out. When there is only one plane wave with amplitude $A_1$, at different phases (θ) will give different Ψ, and

$|ψ_{total}|^2=$ Probability of detection in any particular pixel

In the argand, we get get a round circle to show this.

Now imaginate the situation of two plane waves which is more similar to the real situation. At the argand, we will get the total phase and the intersection angle (α) which will help us understand why some are missing.


From the figure, we can see, if the α is 90°, the total wave is similar to the green wave and this will make information missing.

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python 魔法方法 (2) 算术运算

整理自小甲鱼鱼C论坛算数运算Python 2.2以后,对类和类型进行了统一,做法就是将int(), float(), str(), list(), tuple()这些BIF转换为工厂函数:>>> type(len)<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>>>> type(int)<class 'type'>这与一般的类相同:>>> class C: pass>&...…

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The Amplitude Contrast and the Phase Contrast

In TEM, there are two kinds of contrast:Amplitude ContrastAs you can see in the figure,When the incident electrons ‘light’ on the sample, there will be three kinds of resulted electrons, which is also mentioned before in the ‘The interaction betwe...…
