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Scanning EM VS Bright Field EM

First of all, let’s introduce the definition of the Scannning EM and the Bright field EM respectively:

Scanning EM

Take the incoming beam of electrons and focused on very small point, rather that small point back and forth across the image as if you are shining a flashlight on a poster.

Bright Field EM

Illuminate the whole sample all at once, like lift your flashlight.

When the incident electrons light on the conduction, as seen in the figure,



About the reflected electrons, there were two applications:

.EXMA ..Hard x-ray …Hard x-ray with high energy
. ..Soft x-ray …Soft x-ray with lower energy
. ..Cathodoluminescene visible light

EXMA: measure wave length, get information about what elements are present in your sample (Because different elements will emit x-rays with different characteristics)

.SEM ..Back scattered primaries
. ..Secondaries angle …Electrons interact with the electrons in the sample and cause sample electorns to be emitted
. ..Positive ions …Electrons interacte with nuleus

SEM: Detector counting the number of charged particles coming back out of the sample, when it’s iluminated you can build up an image pixel by pixel by counting all of these charged particles as they emrge and correlating that counting with the position on the sample that your’re illuminating. Always you can find the detector this formations,


Get a much better looking image if you coat the surface with some form of metal often platinum.

About the Speciemn on the conduction:

As electrons are being ejected from the sample they leave unmet positive charges within the sample and because the sample is clamped into a sample holder and that’s connected to the rest of the metal of the microscope, electrons will flow in from the mecroscope into the sample slowly to compensate for unmet charges, which is can be measured.


.Primaries STEM (scanning + transmission) ..Wide-angle elastic
. ..Inelastic
.Primaries TEM ..Unscattered
. ..Inelastic
. ..Narrow-angle elastic

Bright field mode, for the TEM, not only counting detector bu also an imaging detector like CCD.

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汇编语言 8.7 8.8 8.9 div 伪指令dd dup

8.7 div 指令div是除法指令,有以下注意事项: 除数:有8位和16位两种,在一个reg或者内存单元中。 被除数:默认放在ax或dx和ax中,如果除数为8位,被除数则为16位,默认在ax中存放;如果除数为16位,则被除数则为32位,在dx和ax中存放,dx存放高16位,ax存放在低16位。 结果:如果除数为8位,则al存储除法操作的商, ah存储除法操作的余数;如果除数为16位,则ax存储除法操作的商,dx存储除法操作的余数。除数和被除数的规格总结: 除数...…

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C语言 简介以及C转化asm的初尝试

整理自小甲鱼鱼C论坛编译的概念将助记符转化为机器码的过程叫做编译。C语言的优势(1) 效率高C语言相对于其他第三代编程语言,C语言是编译型语言,源代码最终编译为机器语言,也就是可执行文件,从此CPU就可以直接执行。编译型语言与解释型语言的对比: C语言 Python 汇编语言 字节码 机器语言 解释器 CPU执行 CPU执行 (2) ...…
