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本站自2019年7月已访问web counter

One Little Puzzle About An Extra Two-fold Axis

The Puzzle

I have resolved a strucutre with space group of P21, with cell angles: 90.0 99.50 90.00. The resolved structure packaged in a unit cell The cell content analysis has shown that there are two units in an asym unit. Actually, this structure is quite a simple one, I have found the correct resolution by molecular replacement after searching for one unit model.
When I have the self rotation function, however, one thing puzzled me a lot. Why there are two 2-fold peaks? The result of SRF,

The Answer

The reason is similar to ‘Why there is no P22 space group’, a 2-fold screw axis has been interacted with the 2-fold axis of the asym unit. First step, find the 2-fold screw axis vertical to the screen. The 2-fold screw axis And then, you can find the generated 2-fold screw axis from the side. The generated 2-fold screw axis This is why there are two 2-fold peaks.

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LA Basic, Elimination Matrix From The Other Side

What will happen, when we multiply an elimination matrix from the other side?You can see the process below,Multiplying by E21 on the right side will subtract 4 times column 2 from column 1. (4 times row 2 from 1 on the left side)It is the same wit...…

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Introduction of Plugins In Vim

There are many very nice plugins in vim, which make vim a very charming one. As I introduced at first, why people like vim, the most reliable reason is the powerful plugins in Vim.Vim-plugEvery great success begins with a dream, and why vim become...…
