


病毒学、免疫学及结构生物学背景,可以在 RG 上找到我已发表的论文

本站自2019年7月已访问web counter

Why Blog

This is a valuable post, because this is my first post. Every first must be memorable. Zququ’s Blog is a place to record my studying experiences. However, I dream to communicate with other people. So I welcome everyone who has any suggestion or any question.

Who AM I

Who am I

For now, I’m a Phd canditate at China Agricutural University (CAU), studying on the veterinary microbiology and immunology.About my work, my interest is devloping new method (like algorithm, or immunology tech) to develop vaccines for animal viral infectious disease. To achieve my desire and interest, I’m learning how to calculate structures of proteins and viruses ( especially viruses, because it’s alive, amazing! ) by crystallography and cryo-em. And most of posts will show the self-learning experiences.

My Hobby

I am a math fan, however, I may be not good at it at all. I like coding too, I started to learn how to code from oct 2018. To me, coding is like a mysterious game, just like mathematics, I hope carry on my self-learning days happily! I will write some posts on mathematics and coding.

Thanks for coming in my blog!

Have a good day!

Last One

Some Basic Operations of Vim

Where I got to know vimBilibili up, ‘TheCW’, showed a very nice video to introduce how to use the vim ( You can find the video here. )The advantage of vim Actually, I have ever learned some basic introduction about vim, and I ever thought it was ...…
